Ninja Ballet is pleased to offer workshops and special seminars on dance and martial arts for Elementary and Middle School students! Participants will learn movement exercises and martial arts history, taught by Ninja Ballet Instructors, together with active martial arts training designed to promote health and wellness in movement.
Roosevelt Island Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance

Ninja Ballet teaches dance and martial arts to the youth! Together with Jamie H. J. Guan, Shoko Tamai presented an hour and a half performance with projection for Elementary school students at Roosevelt Island Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance, featuring dance and martial arts movement, how to move with costumes, and even how to put on stage makeup to become the Monkey King in the Beijing Opera! Following the performance, participants joined the performers onstage to learn simple and basic techniques with stage weapons like the wooden spear or sword, and how to focus their attention while using them to keep from getting hurt. The children loved the intensity of the workshop and had so much fun with Ninja Ballet!
T.E.O. Theatre Productions Workshop

The Teatp of Petrusky

Conducted together with Carola von Herder, the artistic director of TEO, one of the newest and largest community-built theatres in Odessa, Ukraine, winter 2019, 2021.
Constructed from an old winery, the T.E.O. Theatre appears mysterious on the outside, but presents edgy, provocative theater and performance. Shoko Tamai conducted a 2 hour workshop with 15 participants on ballet and martial arts movement, followed by a performance of "Dancing Shiva", Ninja Ballet's signature solo, most recently performed at The Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2019. For professional actors and performers only.
The Theatre of Petrusky
Community workshop and seminar for children and adults at dance festivals and events in Odessa, at The Theatre of Petrusky, owned by Sasha, our dear friend and patron of the arts. The workshop included Ninja training and performance by Shoko Tamai, conducted with visual artists, opera singers, pianists, and other musicians, all creating together in the theater as one. For all ages, family workshop.

This workshop teaches the techniques and history of Japanese Ninjutsu and martial arts, and provides instruction on how individuals can incorporate Ninja training into their daily life. The workshop is led by Ninjitsu Master Karas Fujiyama, and is assisted by members of the Ninja Ballet dance company. Karas is a 6th Generation ninjutsu master who began his training as a very young child under the tutelage of his father, one of the last living Japanese Ninja, who taught him the secrets of this 700 year old martial art form.
Hideo, a musician who has performed and taught internationally, incorporates traditional Japanese music into the workshop, playing traditional instruments such as the Shakuhachi and Wood Block. The conclusion of the workshop is a performance where performers mix dance and Ninjutsu into a story line that connects the performers to the after life.
Professional artists only.